
3D Printer DIY Kit Sharing

Expensive to date, are additive printers. Many have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars just to purchase this high-tech machine. The way to self-assemble devices for three-dimensional printing of interest to many. Why not try to print on the printer is the same device, if the form created parts can be any? Modern engineers do have the ability to collect a 3D printer with your hands.

Modern designers are confident that the devices for three-dimensional printing must be accessible to all. In 2004, for the first time discussed the mechanisms able to reproduce themselves. It was planned to create installations that print copies of its own components. The pioneer in this area was able to recreate over half of these parts. Second generation devices used to create printable metal alloys, marble dust, talc and plastic. Such a setup was hardly ideal inventions. They demanded improvements. The base price of a regular platform for the development of components is 350 euros. Equipment that provides the ability to print electric circuits, costs ten times more. To copy such installations, have to make an effort.

Self-Assembly is the standard model of EWaste. Costs less than $ 60. If you manage to find the appropriate accessories that you can remove the unnecessary electrical appliances, to collect it is quite real. This would require a NEMA 17, the power supply from the PC, DVD drive, heat shrink tubing and connectors.

Another design can be assembled from components from the disassembled laser printers in combination with steel guide rails, profiles of metal and plastic bearings. Mounted to the framework 4 motors, two of them must support the function of the micro-step. You will also need to use several connecting cables, optical sensors and termostater for the cell. Many users report that they were able to construct a 3D printer with your hands. The drawings you can see in the article, they are available for review. A typical installation, created at home, not endowed with extraordinary properties, but manage to print small plastic products.

There is always the opportunity to build something special. Diagram low-cost devices for three-dimensional printing has been proposed by the Chinese specialists. Open market components gives the opportunity to buy all necessary components for such a mechanism. Chinese engineers used a frame Makeblock, which can be purchased in every store of the company. Now there is nothing difficult to create a 3D printer with your hands. The device is equipped with electric Board with Arduino MEGA 2560. The office could implement a normal user of a personal computer by installing prerequisite software.

Everyone has to choose the technology build. For all modern generations of self-replicating devices is characterized by rapid development. The printer is factory-assembled is much more expensive printed accessories.

Not everyone has the opportunity to buy a 3D printer, but I dream about it many. So as not to throw the money, you can look for appropriate accessories to other electronic devices and use them in the basis of a homemade printing device. The final cost of this printer will not exceed $ 100. It's cheap considering what the device is self-made. 3D-printer with your hands can create all the fans who are familiar with the basics of engineering due to the described principles.

You should start with an analysis of the specifics of universal CNC systems. You must learn the list of basic commands to control the device using the program code. To the design plastic attached power control of the motor and the extruder. The structure of each device, independently developed, will include a few basic components: case, power supply, stepper motor, controller, printhead and guides

If you wanna buy the cheap and fordable price one, you could choose Geeetech Prusa I3 M201 at Banggood website. By the way, other Arduino SCM and 3D printer accessories, you also could purchase at this wholesale platform, which will provide you the low prices. Such as, WeMos D1 R2, ESP8266 Development Board, 3.2 Inch RPi LCD Board, etc. 

