
Modular programming

Modular programming works on the principle of "divide and conquer". It is necessary to understand. Modular programming involves organizing the program as a set of independent blocks of small size, referred to as modules, behavior and the structure of which fully follow certain principles. It is convenient to divide the use of the concept of "module", when given a syntactic unit of a programming language and when we speak of a unit of crushing a large program into several blocks, which can be implemented in the form of procedures and functions. The use of modular programming makes it possible to simplify the testing program and the timely detection of errors. It is possible to strictly separate the hardware-dependent task from other subtasks that will improve the mobility of the created programs. Time-critical modules can be altered separately, which significantly simplifies the process and makes the efficiency much higher. In addition, modular programming much easier to understand because the modules can be used effectively as building blocks in other programs. 

The term "module" has been used in programming with the introduction of modular approach when writing programs. In the seventies, module called some function or procedure that was written according to certain rules. Because at that time there was formed of the generally accepted requirements, a module called any procedure, whose size was up to fifty lines. Parnassus were formed the first specified requirements for the module: "To form one module should be sufficient most a minimum of knowledge about the content of the other." Turns out, that Parnas first introduced the concept of information hiding in programming. His definition leads us to the fact that the module can be called any single procedure as the lowermost and the uppermost level of the hierarchy. Securely hide information could not be provided through the use of structures existing at the time, as they were exposed by the global variables, and their behavior in complex programs it is very difficult to predict. It was necessary to create the design that is isolated from these variables. It is called a module, and based on it originated and modular programming.

Initially it was assumed that implementation of complex software systems can be performed when using the module along with the functions and procedures in the quality of structures and hiding the implementation details of a particular subtask. But in Turbo Pascal was not fully implemented modular programming. This language doesn't support internal modules, import is not easily implemented as it allows to import objects from other modules. The combined influence of this circumstance with the fact that with the proliferation of personal computers significantly increased the number of people programming that has lowered the average level of theoretical training, has resulted in the development of application modules was used as a means of problem creating libraries of functions and procedures. Only qualified programmers used the full power of the language constructs for the structuring of all objects.

If you look at the Pascal modules from the point of view of the programmer, the amount thereof shall be determined by decomposing the task into a number of subproblems, independent of each other. In the limiting case, the module can be used to conclude only one procedure, if required, to prevent local action that she is, was completely independent from the influence of other parts of the program when changes to the project code.

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