
Amateur CNC Machine For Home Use

Recently, among the craftsmen it is becoming increasingly popular use of CNC (computer numerical control, CNC) for use in household purposes. As is current time, almost everyone has a personal computer, desktop or laptop, and can only add executive vnesheyuyu mechanics, electronics, control of the mechanics of the computer and software, and as a result amateur Homebrew receives a machine that can throw the execution of highly accurate, and time-consuming routine work in the field of modeling, electronics, graphics, etc. Many people want to be armed with such stanochki. 

But, well, if an amateur hobbyists has a strong background in the theory and experience in the manufacture of precision mechanics and electronics and are able to calculate itself, to design and manufacture an amateur machine for their own purposes. But not everyone is a task on the shoulder. And even with a good theoretical knowledge and the skills and experience of manufacturing electronic devices, diy run into the machine mechanics. Without home stanochkov turning and milling metal, it is simply impossible in the home to make the necessary mechanical parts of the machine. In order to produce an inexpensive amateur stanochek, it is necessary to seek out damaged old typewriters, printers, scanners, etc. that on the basis of their mechanics to build something for their own purposes. But as a rule stanochki collected from "scrap" does not have the necessary rigidity, precision, and sometimes there comes disappointment and chavstvo pity for the time spent and work.

Additionally, if you need some of the machinery parts, you could purchase at Banggood, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide you the low prices. Such as, waterproof button switch, windshield repair drill bits, etc. 

