
How to purchase a suitable home Laser Engraving Machine? -part 2

The basic principle of laser engraving is that a high-energy continuous laser beam is generated by a laser generator. When the laser acts on the substrate, the atom in the ground state transitions to a higher energy state; the atom in the higher energy state is unstable. It will quickly return to the ground state. When the atom returns to the ground state, it will release extra energy in the form of photons or quantum, and convert the light energy into heat energy, so that the surface material is instantly melted and even vaporized, thus forming a graphic mark.

Laser Engraving Machine

Laser engraving refers to laser engraving, which marks the chemical and physical changes of the surface material caused by the light energy of the laser beam, or burns off some substances through the light energy, and displays the graphics and characters required for etching; it can be divided into dot-matrix engraving and vector cutting:
Dot matrix engraving
It is similar to high-definition dot matrix printing; the laser head oscillates left and right, each time engraving a line consisting of a series of points, and then the laser head simultaneously moves up and down to engrave a plurality of lines, and finally constitutes a full-page image or text; Dot matrix engraving can be used for scanned graphics, text, and vectorized graphics.
Vector cutting
Vector engraving is different from dot engraving, and vector cutting is performed on the outer contour of the graphic. This mode is usually used for penetration cutting on wood, paper, acrylic, etc., and can also be marked on the surface of a variety of materials. So if you are going to do some handicrafts at home, make sure your Laser Engraving Machine will offer you a nice vector cutting engraving function.

