
Load NodeMCU in ESP8266 ESP-01 (and other)

Towards the end of 2014 has begun to talk about a numbered ESP8266 wireless serial port first one began to speak of him as a simple way to connect a development board via WiFi, for example a plate Arduino chip environment.

But we are now faced with the explosion of the true potential of this chip, because it is not simply a dedicated administration RF communications under the 802.11 b / g / n chip, but also incorporates a microprocessor to 80MHz ( up to 160MHz), which can be programmed in the same way that we can program the Atmega using Arduino.

But even more! firmware that has ported Lua (such as language) to ESP8266 already exists, allowing us with a simple syntax program this microcontroller design brings communication skills appropriate to the more widespread standard.

But ... it will be very expensive ... who would think that for $3.12 you can have all that? Let us begin!

This can be confusing for some people ... more than one way to find the chip ESP8266!

Different types of plates, different productions, with greater or lesser number of available connections ... ESP-01, ESP-02, ESP-07, ESP-12 ...

In the end it is the same chip, but with different options both in connection with particular reference to the antenna and its connection. Taking antennas based simply on a track in the own circuit board in zigzag, to a connector for an external antenna.

We appreciate in each case what is best for us, in this example we will use the most common and widespread model, the ESP-01, 8 connections available and a printed antenna on board.

Actually, this one is sold in a price of $ 3.21 at Banggood. If you need to buy scm components, you also can purchase at this wholesale platform. Additionally, the lm317 power supply is also one kind of excellent Arduino kit that you can have a try. 

