
Switch Vertical grip accessories Flip Grip Crowdfunding success - part 2

In June, the publisher Nacalis announced that its classic barrage-shooting game "Ikaruga" will officially land on the Nintendo Switch platform on May 29th for $14.99, and confirmed that the game will support portrait mode and will provide three difficulty options.

It was first published by Sega in 2001 and won praise from the media and players. Because the game needs to absorb black and white attacks, the difficulty of the original game makes many players miserable. More difficulty choices are also considered to be a benefit for players.

Currently the game has landed on Dreamcast, GameCube, PC and Xbox 360, and there have been reports of game landing PS4 before, PC players can purchase this game on Steam. However, if Switch wants to place the handheld on the table or hold it in the hand while playing on the vertical screen, it is somewhat troublesome for someone to open a crowdfunding project on Kickstarter. This is called Flip Grip's grip accessories. You can make your Switch more comfortable in portrait mode.

bluetooth game controller

Switch Vertical grip accessories Flip Grip Crowdfunding success - Vertical play NS
At present, the project still has half a month to end crowdfunding, and the amount raised has reached more than $70,000, exceeding their target of $42,500. More than 4,000 people have chosen to raise this product. The price of the product is 12 dollars, which is not an expensive price. You guys should not miss the chance to buy such a good cost performance bluetooth game controller.

The Flip Grip has snaps that hold the Switch body and two handles. It also supports the desktop model to hold the main frame on the table. It is also designed with thermal issues in mind, so you will feel completely comfortable when holding it, and really enjoy your excellent game moments.

Nintendo Switch Vertical grip accessories Flip Grip Crowdfunding success - part 1

Recently, many flying shooting games have entered the NS platform. Users want to play NS on vertical screens. In order to solve this problem, crowdfunding site Kickstarter has launched a Flip Grip for NS, which is specially designed for vertical screens.

Fangamer FlipGrip
Flip Grip is actually a special handle controller that is made of sturdy plastic. The Nintendo Switch can be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise, insert the Nintendo Switch until it is stuck, and then Joy-Cons will be on either side, and this is done.

Intimately, the inner edge of the Flip Grip handle is specially shaped as a Nintendo Switch and does not allow you to slide in the wrong direction. The inside of the Flip Grip also has a rubber bump that holds the Nintendo Switch firmly in place to prevent the console from falling during gameplay. To release the flip handle, press the release button on each Joy-Con and slide it up to remove it. Gently pull the small release tab on the back of the flip handle to unlock the Nintendo Switch on the handle.
ps3 controller

And Flip Grip handles aren't just for handheld games, you can also think of it as a stand. At present, the price of this handle on the crowdfunding website is $12, and the price is not very high at all. Not only the Nintendo Switch controller but also the PlayStation controller can be very affordable too. I personally purchased a ps3 controller on a trustworthy online store and my ps3 gaming experience is really improved. Now, I no longer complain about my old game console, on the contrary, I quite enjoy playing some new popular games with that controller.

There are some games on the Nintendo Switch that support vertical screenplay, especially the flying barrage games, such as some of the games in The Donkey King, The Strikers 1945, the Ikaruga and The Gunbird.


Global wind power and solar power investment far exceed fossil fuels -part 2

In the future, photovoltaic and wind power will be used to generate electricity. Electric vehicles will be charged with sunlight and wind.
The technology of our battery has been developed. The characteristics of electric vehicle driving are basically the same as the use of a fuel vehicle as a vehicle, which has met one of the expectations. How much electrical energy is needed for an electric vehicle? From a professional point of view, we look at the problem in this way. The demand for electric power for electric vehicles does not depend on how many batteries are installed. The more batteries installed, the more electricity is charged, and the more driven distance. From the point of view of vehicle usage, fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles will not experience greater changes in driving mileage due to changes in power.

Soft pack batteries, one can ensure that the energy density can be high, other advantages, such as higher security, lighter weight, longer life, more conducive to our design and development, flexible loading, which is its advantages. If the consistency is not good, the overall system efficiency may be reduced, and reduce the overall system energy density. In the design and development process, how to solve the problem of poor consistency and poor storage? In fact, no need to worry that much, soft pack battery Charge Controller can be suitable for most needs.

Charge Controller

Based on consistency from the preparation, storage of the battery core materials, there is no way for the embodiment of the entire process efficiency to be specifically invented and improved. Instead, each technology guarantees the achievement of consistency during the process. The final agreement is also based on a certain basis, to improve the consistency of the method to improve the consistency of the production to increase the error, the charge and discharge are uneven, how to effectively avoid the imbalance and design, to ensure a balanced performance.

Global wind power and solar power investment far exceed fossil fuels -part 1

According to the Wall Street Journal news on June 12, driven by the declining cost of wind power and solar power, global renewable energy investment continues to exceed coal power generation, natural gas power generation and nuclear power plant investment. The International Energy Agency (IEA) stated that in recent years, more than half of the worlds newly-added power generation capacity is renewable energy such as wind power and solar energy.

According to the IEA data, the global renewable energy investment was approximately US$297 billion in 2016 (the most recent documented year), which is more than double the US$143 billion investment in new nuclear power, coal, natural gas, and oil-fired power plants. The Paris-based agency expects that renewable energy will account for 56% of the net increase in generating capacity by 2025.

Wind Turbine

Thanks to cash back, tax deductions and other incentives, wind and solar power costs have been declining for 10 years, making renewable energy investments more competitive. Nowadays, products like Wind Turbine is not expensive at all, every family can depend on a Wind Turbine for basic life needs and save money.

Researchers say that the cost of renewable energy has fallen significantly in the past few years, and today wind power and solar energy have become the cheapest power generation options. Compared with traditional power plants, there are fewer challenges for renewable energy power plants.

GautamSne: India's Zero Emissions Target or Relies on Multiple New Energy Technology Paths
GautamSne said that in India, after the decision is made, there will be some new policies that will be specifically described. Of course, we understand this proposal. The government will establish a zero emission target. This goal is set by the government. How to do it does not necessarily mean that the battery will be purely electric. To achieve this goal, it may also be other paths and other forms. For example, hydrogen or fuel cells, or other technical options. Now there are some engine-related technologies. Of course, there are related improvements in efficiency, especially in the reduction of fuel consumption. The situation has improved.


Butterfleye Security Camera Shoots under Unusual Activities

According to the Ubergizmo website, Butterfleye is a simple, intelligent wireless home security camera that uses infrared technology to detect "abnormal" activities before it starts shooting, allowing users to "see and hear" everything happened at home even when they are not at home. The difference between Butterfleye and other similar products is that it only starts shooting when a pet, person or specific sound is detected. This eliminates the need for users to organize blank videos and also reduces the number of false alarms.

When an abnormal activity is detected, Butterfleye will use WiFi, Bluetooth, and cloud computing technologies to send notifications to the user's mobile phone. Over time, Butterfleye will be able to send notifications more and more intelligently because of its unique algorithm and multiple sensors that can understand the user's daily activities and habits. Some small events in the future, such as turning lights on or off, shaking the branches outside the house will not trigger Butterfleye to alert the user.

ip camera

Ubergizmo said that Butterfleye's iOS and Android apps will provide users with a daily video of abnormal events during the day, allowing users to check for abnormal activities that occur on a daily basis. Butterfleye does not have a power cord. The configured lithium-ion battery can be used for 2 weeks after a single charge. This ip camera can capture full-HD video with a resolution of 1080p. The internal storage space can store 12 hours of video. It provides a free cloud storage service with a duration of 24 hours and can directly stream video over LAN/WAN/IP. Butterfleye integrates motion, sound, light and accelerometer sensors.

Butterfleye hopes to raise $100,000 through crowdfunding website Indiegogo and put it into mass production. The price of the first 300 units is 199 US dollars, and the price of Butterfleye after the limited quantity is 385 US dollars.

To protect student safety, New York officials proposed to increase surveillance cameras around the school

On June 19, 2018, the chief of the Municipal Police Headquarters, James O'Neill (spokesperson), appealed to the state government to install more surveillance cameras proposal as soon as possible.

According to reports of the United States "World News", the New York City Mayor's Office, the Municipal Police Chief James O'Neill, and Chen Wenye, director of the Municipal Police Traffic Safety Bureau, and others, publicly appealed to the state on June 18 local time in Brooklyn. The government passed a proposal to add hundreds of speed surveillance cameras around New York Citys schools to further protect students safety.

James O'Neill, Chen Wenye, Brooklyn Governor Eric Adams, Councilman Justine Brannan, and 264 Elementary School Principal Patrice Edison lead hundreds of students parents in 89 Avenue, 4th Avenue, the 264 elementary school entrance, appealing to the surveillance ip camera issue.

O'Neill said that at present, speed monitoring cameras are urgently needed around New York City schools. These cameras can effectively protect children from accidental traffic accidents during their studies. However, the state must first adopt proposals to promote the establishment of these surveillance cameras.
ip camera

It is reported that there are now 140 speed surveillance cameras in the city, which were installed in 2014. After the installation, drivers who are speeding nearby have fallen by 60%, and the incidence of fatal accidents around the neighborhood has dropped by 25%. This means that the surveillance camera has a warning effect on driver's specification driving.

The current state government is reviewing proposals that will allow New York City to add hundreds of surveillance cameras to 150 different school districts. Although the proposal received bipartisan support, it has not yet been finalized.

For the proposal, Shirley Chin, the parent of a Chinese student on the scene, said that installing a camera around the school can curb the drivers fast driving behavior and make the students safety more secure. I believe most parents will fully support it. However, some people also believe that the camera is just an excuse for the government to obtain more fines. At present, New York City is penalized for violations of speeding at 50$, and it can get government revenue of 100 million dollars each year.


Which brand of Robot Vacuum is better? -part 2

The advancement of smart robots in Robot Vacuums allows people to use Robot Vacuums without spending too much effort or even spending time and energy at all.

If you want to do a good job of cleaning the floor in your home, you just have brains and memory that are not enough and you need to have excellent cleaning power. Traditional cleaning robots have appeared many obvious problems during cleaning. Because of the lack of power, many types of impurities cannot be cleaned. The TOMEFON TF-D60 Robot Vacuum has also made great efforts in cleaning.

The use of a roller brush enables the use of a floating roller brush for cleaning when there is a lot of dust and particles. It is worth mentioning that the brush bristles of the cleaning Robot Vacuum can also enter the gap during the cleaning process. This design makes it easier and more relaxing for people to get the floor cleaning done and without worrying about anything.

Robot Vacuum

The TOMEFON TF-D60 Robot Vacuum also has a variable frequency suction nozzle, which can be switched freely and can target various impurities at home. People who have small pets in their homes may all spend time specializing in cleaning the fallen hair. When there is more hair on the ground, he will use relatively high power suction to clean the hair and keep the interior tidy.

When there is a satisfied cleaning robot at home, people usually do their own thing, so that they can make full use of their time. However, when a machine is in operation, it is inevitable that there will be noise, and the traditional Robot Vacuum will also have noise when it is working. The  TOMEFON TF-D60 Robot Vacuum can provide people with a more quiet environment after being innovative.

When people are resting and working, a Robot Vacuum has completed the sweeping of the entire home's ground. It does not require any specific operations by the people and does not affect people's sleep. It can be said to be quite ideal. What are you waiting for, why not choose a Robot Vacuum for yourself?

Which brand of Robot Vacuum is better? -part 1

Some people say that people can make a better and higher quality service for people's lives by making a small progress in science and technology. Robot Vacuums are no stranger to people nowadays. They have entered people's daily lives, allowing people to see real cases where technology changes real life. People do not have to worry about daily household floor cleaning anymore, can take a real rest at home.

In most people's opinion, the choice of home appliances still depends on the brand. TOMEFON can be said to be the veteran-level brand of the Robot Vacuum brand. Because it takes a long time to enter this field, the accumulated experience is more than those kinds of brands who just recently starting to study how to make Robot Vacuums, and the innovation is more prominent. It is also said that this well-known German environmental company, in 2018, once again took the lead in the sales list of global sweeping robots. As the top-three brands of sweeping robots for eight consecutive years, the brand has also become a hot target for the media. What kind of charm does it allow consumers to maintain with such high enthusiasm?

Robot Vacuum

The HSIR+ multi-matrix intelligent composition system is a new attempt made by the TOMEFON TF-D60 Robot Vacuum in terms of internal intelligence. Break through the memory technology of traditional Robot Vacuums, it can be done when the cleaning work is not repeated.

Because traditional Robot Vacuums can only clean a certain area during cleaning, they cannot master the overall cleanliness. With the technical progress of Robot Vacuums, this situation has also been significantly improved. Because there is an intelligent system inside, it is possible to scan and build the entire environment before the work is carried out, so that new types of Robot Vacuums can be used and became a Robot Vacuum with brain and memory.