The output of the first devices for 3D-printing caused a lot of enthusiastic responses. Truly, this is one of the most outstanding developments IT segment at the beginning of the 21st century. Currently, three-dimensional printers are quite firmly established in the specialized instrument making, industry and other fields. Companies that need high-performance hardware manufacturer of small parts, are willing to buy 3D-printer. The price is about 100 thousand. Rub., They do not stop, because the tech device pays for itself.
As for home use, such investments rarely justified, because the point of purchasing such equipment is. The very need for the presence of such a device is explained, as a rule, curiosity and desire to experiment. Although, of course, there are many examples of 3D-printers are widely used in everyday life. Either way, the techniques of self-manufacturing of innovative devices have gained a lot of followers in recent years. Preheat the same interest in the "three-dimensional production of" success masters home.
What printer is created?
As is usually the work of a makeshift field for the realization of ideas is boundless. Each artist develops their own recipes and technologies to bring the idea to life. Still, 3D-printer with their hands to make without special metodichek and knowledge is impossible. Initially a model for the first products were enthusiasts Z Corporation and 3D-Systems. However, the most significant contribution to the industry of improvised devices made company RepRap, which designs sets for printing three-dimensional printers.
Actually, prior to anyone who decides to make such a product, there is a dilemma: use kit that requires assembly only, or to purchase accessories separately. The answer to this question everyone decides for himself, but the 3D-printer with your hands can be done only with appropriate knowledge and technical skills, which are necessarily required in the manufacturing process.
Mechanical components
Regardless of whether the finished package purchased or decided to buy the component parts themselves (preferably in China), no 3D-printer assembly is complete without the following elements:
fasteners, by which the frame unit is formed;
metal guides for the movable components;
gears, on the basis of which will be provided to the translation of the movable electric sites;
platform, which will deliver a special field for the manufacture of objects;
thermocouple and a heating device, with which temperature will be monitored.
Additionally, if you happen need to purchase some Arduino SCM & 3D Printer Acc, you can search via Banggood website, which is one of the wholesale platform to provide affordable prices, such as wifi power switch, lcd controller, etc.